The strange city

Built by the russian artists Emilia et Ilya Kabakov artists. Currently at display in the Grand Palais, as part of the Monumenta series. It is the 6th time that Monumenta takes place, offering each time a different artist to display some BIG art, i.e. up to 13'500 m2 and 45 meters of height.

We took a day of to celebrate our wedding anniversary and started our programme of the day with this exhibition. I didn't know too much about it, not many expectations and it was a big, positive surprise. So creative what the artists put up, mixing built art, small wooden models, sketches, drawings and music into one overall piece. Combining our world with a spiritual world. Just to name a few of the buildings: The Dome, The Empty Museum, The Centre of Cosmic Energy, How to meet an Angel, etc.

I put some pictures more on blipfolio.

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