
By interagia

30. dinner

Now before you go thinking ‘wow that looks healthy’ you should know that last night I had a medium pizza delivered to my door and what I didn’t eat immediately I finished off for breakfast. Yup, classy. While Chris is away my diet tends to deteriorate. Robin still eats mighty fine though.

I had actually intended to take a black and white photo while at the mall today to portray the nastiness of consumerism, but then I went and bought some things at H&M and simply couldn’t justify such a photo. I do find it sickening how much we all buy. I get many (dare I even say most) things second hand but I too buy more crap than I need. Ever since I was small I have occasionally wished that I could escape into the bush somewhere and live a simple life. But that wouldn’t solve anything, and it wouldn’t be simple at all. Could be fun though. |||

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