More work!!

I collected all the AGM paperwork from the committee meeting last night. Now have to check out all the members on the database and website, and update etc..etc!!

On our way home from Worcester today we visited a league member who has 8 photograph albums of hospital / work / social related pictures. Having sorted out the pictures we want for the website, we abandoned the idea of checking through the slides and have brought them home. I will do them at my leisure!!

Home now and unpacked. B is getting ready for work this weekend and I will make a long list of things I plan / would like to do over the next few days!!!

PS I've had one s.d of a game trying to get this uploaded tonight. Kept getting a message to say I was "out of time" even though it was loading amazingly quickly!! Only got this up on the 8th attempt by doing it in stages... "%^*&^
Off to finish the shared bottle of NZ SB that we started with dinner!!

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