
By raubrey

I can see you!

Well, this is my 10th blip and it really has been most enjoyable so far. Many thanks to all those who have commented on my previous blips and made me feel most welcome here. Special thanks must go to the blip member Amro who introduced me to Blipfoto. He thought I would enjoy it and he was not wrong.

I really did have the intention of taking my camera out with me this morning, but the rain put an end to that plan. When I returned, I turned my thoughts to taking a macro shot cleverly incorporating a number 10. In the end, I simply sat in wait for a few birds to appear.

Today's blip is a Collared Dove. As you can see from the expression, the dove had just spotted me and I managed to get one photograph before it flew off in a loud and rather dramatic fashion, scaring all the other birds who were starting to gather near the feeder.

The latin name is Streptopelia decaocto Their cooing song sounds like the Greek for eighteen, hence the decaocto part.

According to Wiki, the collared dove only reached the shores of Great Britain in 1953, breeding for the first time in 1956. Given how common and widespread the dove is, this fact seems almost unbelievable. It has been one of the avian worlds great success stories.

Oh,this is not the dove I featured last Thursday (7th January). No, that dove is still stoically sat on her nest!

Have a good weekend everyone.

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