Today just got real...
Woke up to the sounds of 'oiseaux' singing, so so glad we opted for the campsite over a F1 hotel last night. The sites in France are sooo much better than what we have in England. We've not pricked a bad one yet and it's only 7€ pppn flipping good value.
Headed out by 9am and saw a couple of cars still stickered up for the gumball rally...felt part of it some how...
It was a race against time today. Spent most of it in the car, making in car snacks, eating them on the go n watching our timings slipping away. Every road work, traffic light or french lorry driver lost us precious minutes.
The last of the nutty snacks were consumed before we become 'clean' again. Jo-Jo (our youngest at 19 who has a nut allergy) can't get in the car till Dad gives it a thorough clean, she'll need her epipen just to walk past it at the
[Middle picture]
You see that thing you can see in the distance? That's our know why I was able to take a shore view of it don't you?...we missed the ruddy minutes!!! Luckily they're every 2 hours and they didn't charge us any extra to take the next one :)
Despite the fact I have navigated our way around Europe with only an ordinance survey map as my guide and a brief mobile Sat Nav in the cities when signal allowed. I'm loving the fact I've been migraine free for two whole weeks - clearly stress isn't a trigger
I'm back at work at 9am tomorrow, lets see if it continues!!!
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