
By melaniecameron

Saturday the 21st of June 2014

Happy Summer Solstice to everyone in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy winter Solstice to those below the equator!

I was wanting to take a photo of the sun but couldn't find any thing to act as a filter. So did a reading while listening to some Led Zep!

Bottom row of cards L-R Worth Waiting For - Unicorn Oracle Cards, Banksia New Beginnings - Flower Therapy Oracle Cards, Athena - Inner Wisdom - Goddess Oracle Cards (although i prefer to call them Benevolent Beings or BB's), Moonlight - The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards, Parvati - Positive Change - Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, and Undressing of a Salad - The Faeries Oracle.

Second Row - Magnesite - The Crystal Deck, Lion- Courage - The Power Animal Oracle Cards, Hello from Heaven - ArchAngel Oracle Cards and Hahlii: Guardian Angel of Colours of Creation - Heart & Soul Angel Cards

Top Row - The Wise Woman of Wonderland - Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards and SunCat - Feel the Sunshine radiating from within - Cat Comfort Cards

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