An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Rudely awakened at silly o"clock this morning (9am. Well it is Saturday) by the road being dug up outside our house. A new water main is being laid and after weeks of watching the traffic cones work their way along the street, they've finally reached us.

We were told our water would have to be switched off. So far it's only happened once and will again next week but it's from 10pm-6am so not too disruptive.

Was getting up at 9.30 anyway as lots to do today. Alan's been to the Barber's for his holiday haircut and looks much older again. I have been getting organised for the arrival this evening of friends Lillemor and Derek, who are coming for dinner and staying over.

The menu (so I have a record and don't make the same again next time they come :) is homemade Carrot and Ginger soup with warm crusty bread, roasted salmon fillets with salsa verde, jersey royals, carrots and green beans, with meringues, fresh cream, strawberries and fresh bramble coulis for dessert. Cheese and biscuits for later and coffee, chocolate truffles and Scottish tablet.

And of course not forgetting an essential ingredient for the liquid refreshments. ;-))

Really looking forward to seeing them and catching up with all their news. They are two of the most interesting (and funny) people I've ever met so I predict a lively evening ahead.

PS Thanks so much for your lovely comments on little Eve yesterday. Her gran was so desperate to see some of the photos I ended up emailing her a few unedited shots last night and she replied saying she was over the moon with them and that Eve's granddad was shedding a wee tear looking at them. After my apprehension I couldn't ask for a better reaction. Phew! :)))

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