The desk

J hasn't been too well the past couple of days but was rather chirpy this morning. We had decided to keep him off school today anyway as he still wasn't 100% back to normal and it being a half day it hardly seemed worth getting him up and dressed so early. I still had 2 childminding mini humans to look after and I was very glad that kevin wasn't working today and that my mum and dad came to visit so I didn't have to drag J into the school to pick up R (R's younger brother F was dropped off at house later).

Well everything was rather chaotic with the Lego strewn throughout the house and J (not being too well) getting rather possessive with some of his stuff.

At about 4pm the boys were picked up (the younger one wanted to stay!) and then there was.......peace.

It's quite new to me all this childminding and so far I have only taken children that I know (or know the parents). R is one of J's classmates so it's ideal. Today with the younger brother was a one off but I will be picking R up on Mondays from now on.

This is J relaxing in his room on his own. Bliss.

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