A Father & Son Moment

I went and fed my friends chickens this morning after walking our friends dog.

I am told I will get my reward in heaven.
I am not so sure.

My attempt at an arty picture of the artificial poppy was a complete failure.

We took The Cygnet's birthday present round this afternoon ( a big Lego kit) and found him in mid construction of a big Lego kit with his Dad.
Squirrel and the other hand was looking for a podiatrist.

The attempt at arty leaf shots failed as well.

I threw a stone into the stream for PD on our early evening walk.
We thought he was going to drown himself in his attempts to find the right one - he had his face under the surface for ages ...... numerous times.
He eventually came back with 'a' stone ... any stone. It certainly wasn't the one I threw.
But I let him off for his sterling efforts.

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