Offcumden Cal

By Cal

The big one!

Fabulous bike ride today taking in Grassington, Arncliffe and Malham en route, a cracking (for us newbies to the saddle) 64.3km. Blip is at the top of a very steep section coming out of Arncliffe. The views were sensational, Malham Tarn a mirror like oasis in the distance. The good thing about cycling round here with all these hills is that our fitness is improving each time we go out, and for every up, there is of course a free wheeling, get yer breath back, down. Lunch at the welcoming Lister Arms was at the end of a particularly good downhill stretch.

Wildlife again all around; skylarks, Curlews, cows with huge horns, one pointing up, one pointing down and the highlight for me, a tiny nuthatch chick which had fallen into the road from its nest. We literally stopped the traffic so it wouldn't get squished, them gently guided it back into the safety of the hedgerow, at one point it hopped onto my wrist and looked at me. So thrilling.

This evening, instead of snoozing on the sofa, we joined a group of people in an Asda carpark to watch the band, Hope & Social, rock the joint with joyful playing and accompaniment by local folk including one of my friends, on brass and ukelele. Such fun.

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