
By my30thyear

My Remarkable Year Project

How amazing is it to think that some of our best days are yet to happen. Today I turned 29. Which means I have 365 days until my 30th birthday! I have decided to go on an adventure. As a working mum I have been known to say “I just don’t have time for that”. So for the next 365 days I am going to complete my list of 30 things before I turn 30 adventure and look for the remarkable things that happen every day. I am I am going to make time to do the things I say I never have time to do. For the next 365 days (and beyond) I am going to step out of my comfort zone, I am going to try new things. I am going to watch a sunrise and see the New Year in. I am going to go dancing and bushwalking, and bake and make new friends. Along the way I will aim to encourage the people around me, and enjoy this remarkably amazing gift that God has given us called life.

So here is the list, it is rather self indulgent but I have decided to make time to do things that I (hopefully) will enjoy just because! I am not great at doing things just for me so here goes!!

1.) Touch the snow on Mount Wellington this winter
2.) Ring a workplace and pass onto the manager exceptional customer service
3.) Go to the beach and snorkel/swim in the waves with my mum
4.) Go on a motorbike ride with my dad
5.) Challenge myself with new physical activities. (Bushwalking, kayaking etc.).
6.) Go Camping in the summer
7.) Try different styles of dancing
8.) Be a tourist in Hobart for a day
9.) Attend a Dawn
10.) Give blood
11.) Stay up until midnight on new year’s eve
12.) See a sunrise
13.) Go a whole 24 hours without technology
14.) Pay for a stranger’s lunch
15.) Enter a fun run
16.) Sort out my superannuation
17.) Write a letter to the editor
18.) Have a picnic on a blanket under the fairy lights at Salamanca
19.) Have a pyjama day
20.) Read the new testament
21.) Go fruit picking
22.) Plant a herb garden
23.) Learn how to knit a scarf
24.) Get to know someone new each month
25.) Learn to drive a manual car
26.) Make cheesecake for the first time
27.) Go for a bike ride
28.) Finish my bedside table books
29.) Go for a walk in the rain
30.) Dress up in a formal dress and go out

Let the adventure begin!

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