Taking Over!

This year everything is growing terrifically well, including this honeysuckle! It seems to be taking over this old trailer, finding its way through the rusty holes and running riot!

The honeysuckle outside the kitchen door is covered with flowers. Doing the dishes in the evening the scent was almost overpowering! Lots of moths attracted to it too.

Three coaches loads of tourists from a cruise liner into the shop in the afternoon but thankfully half an hour between them so we had time to restock and get turned round!

Thanks for everyone's kind comments re Dad, he is recovering! He has dementia as well as having had a stroke. The home can't put rails up on his bed as he tries to climb over them but he is not able to walk unaided so it's very tricky. For a weak old man he still has plenty of determination!

ed: Dad's stroke was many years ago and has left him without use of his left arm or leg.

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