T' tour

Another jaunt up the A684, today, and once again I was blessed with clear roads, blue skies and sunshine, and, hooray, remembering my sunglasses.

This road forms part of the 2014 Tour de France and I had hoped to obtain a little information about this for you from the 'Le Tour Yorkshire' website but that turns out to be a triumph of design over navigability, so I'm afraid you'll have to find out for yourselves about this anomalously international section of the race.

Quite apart from the beautiful scenery and enjoyable roads, there are two things I particularly like about driving along this route at the moment. The first is the enthusiasm with which all the villages along the route are embracing the event and the second is the delightfully varied collection of yellow bikes that appear at the roadside every now and again.

My favourites were a pair of yellow racing bikes at the side of a roundabout, leaning into the bend, looking as though they were in motion and racing. However, stopping to photo them would have been a little hazardous, so I plumped for this fellow, placed at the entrance to a rugby club. Most of the bikes were completely yellow, including their wheels, but this one, along with its bumblebee saddle, was a little less ambitious.

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