Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Party time

The boys went to their first ever birthday party today. It was their friend Cameron's first birthday. They seemed to enjoy themselves but where shattered and fell asleep on the way home.

We've had such a busy week.

Monday: baby clinic the boys now weigh 17lb (Elliot) and 16lb (Isaac)

Tuesday: I went to Cardiff to catch up with the girls from work before Claire goes off to have her baby. The boys stayed with my parents making the most of having my dad back until July.
Claire has been given a date for her C section July 17th so the count down to baby Watt's arrival has fully begun.
Also popped to see Louise baby Ollie is much better and came home from hospital with a course of more antibiotics.
Wednesday: went to Swansea to get us all some more weather appropriate clothes. As I was the size of a small country last summer I'm seriously lacking in summer attire.
We also watched one born every minute it was very emotional this week as one of the couples from our TAMBS antenatal class were on there.
Rachel and Marion's twin were born at 30 week due to problems with Caitlin's placenta and spent over 8 weeks in SCBU. I'm so glad we didn't have to deliver at 28 weeks and made it to 34 (minus two days).

Thursday: my parents came down to see the boys.

Friday: Song and Rhyme time in the Library and then playgroup in the afternoon.

Saturday: Mr L cut the grass and I spent a good few hours removing a vast quantity of ivy from our back garden wall whilst Mr L took the boys down his mothers.

Today: Tesco trip as per usual. Then party time whilst Mr L did some more garden tidying (25 bags of green waste for the recycling men).

I wonder if this week will be as busy??

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