360 Days of 50mm

By PCTography

Day 10 - When I See Angels..

I neeeeeeed more ideas.. I need to bring my beautiful camera out into the sun D: It is in desperate need of a tan. Some other things I might need.. Actually.. Let me make a little flowchart of camera gear that I am planning to get once I get mo money (mo problems..):

Macro 100mm f/2.8 USM > 70-200mm f/2.8L or f/4L USM IS/no IS (whichever hahahah I can make either work for me.) > Tamron 18-50mm f/2.8 no VC > 7D body.

I can do it! In about 2 years.. Probably opt out for a full frame by then though.. We'll see.. Donations welcome! Just kidding. Not really..

The lamp looks like an angel doesn't it? Very pretty :) Or maybe a seagull.. Same difference..

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