Cream crackers

It's been a nice day. Working on the year book for year six! Big job!

Dd was at a sleepover and came home looking ill from tiredness.

We went to the park on bikes and scooters and tired out the littlest one. It was impossible to keep him awake!

I cycled a route that I can now run and I was staggered at how far I can run now. Tomorrow is my 20 minute run on c25k ! My shape has changed but my weight is all odd. I am able to get into what I would class as my 'thinner' clothes. I have been regularly exercising for over 12 months now but nothing as intense as what I am doing now. I am not doing it for weight loss more for fitness but it would be nice to see a shift.

Still enjoying it though. So all in all a lovely day.

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