Manchester Day

Today is Manchester Day and thousands descended on the city centre to celebrate in the sunshine. Albert Square was buzzing with music and rides and St Ann's Square was swaying to the rhythm of Brazilian song and dance. The highlight was the parade that wove its way along the streets, a colourful procession with vibrant costumes...yet some of the people in it needed to remember to smile.

I met up with Kathymay and Ellisroger.....a mini is always great to put a face to a name. We found a good spot along the parade route, even though a jumped up little security man wanted us to move...they really are jobsworths. I ended up sitting in the road and got some good pics from a low angle. I loved the reflections in the silver orb as it passed, The Midland Hotel is looming over the crowd, in fact you can see me sitting, Kath and Roger are behind me.

The day had started well with a swim and then a birthday breakfast for Letti. We sat outside with strawberries, cake and macaroons....I'm still not really eating much and so I only had a bit of fruit with my water...damn these blasted tablets. Mind you I'm not complaining about the weight loss.

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