Jessica Katy Kimberley

By Kimbo14

Busy Day!

What a day! Not only was it a scorcher, but it was nonstop.
Our first night away from home was a big success, Jess slept in her new travel cot.....she turned herself round 90 degrees, the space was obviously too much for her to ignore. So, Jessica got lots of cuddles with Julia and Grandad this morning.
We went to see Nanna Sue in the afternoon, and we were still there when Jessica's Great Aunty Linda & Great Uncle George and Great Aunty Anne & Great Uncle Glen arrived. More cuddles!
Then a quick pit stop at home before we went out for tea with Danne, Laura, Warrick, Jarrod, Granny Pat & Derm.
A wonderful day, we're all shattered, but so lucky to have so much lovely family. We've had a couple of fantastic weekends, and there's just more to come! Now we know Jess likes her travel cot.

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