Plot 17

By plot17

Corpus Christi

I' d caught a tweet earlier in the week regarding a Corpus Christi procession in Glasgow, and was intrigued. I'd observed them in Little Italy in London, and of course had seen them on film from abroad, but had never heard of them in Scotland. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be part of it.

The Continental events are extravagant affairs, with bands and bunting and doves. This was much simpler, other than the Sacrament and robed priest, just a couple of hundred ordinary people, on pilgrimage, almost. It was also an international group. from every continent. The journey took two hours, from St Patrick's in Anderston, to St Paul's in Whiteinch. About halfway, we collected a group of First Communicants from St Simon's
Saying the novena, traditional prayers and hymns, many half remembered from my childhood. A form of prayer that's out of fashion these days, it was surprisingly moving and spiritual.

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