
By intothehills

Room with a view

Last night I parked the campervan here - it's a spot I've driven past many a time and thought - that would be a great place to park up and watch the sun set & then sunrise. Well after a 4:30am start I wasn't still awake for the sunset - but had high hopes for the sunrise (the little lake runs practically East to West) but despite the forecast the day started drab and grey, so I put the kettle on and went back to bed.

Instructing through the day at the fabulous but crowded Idwal Slabs (a stark contrast to Matt & I's day a few weeks back here ) I was too busy sorting out other peoples shoddy ropework and managing our excellent client James through problems not of his creation to think about blipping possibilities - but the growing heat of the sun on our backs was a welcome hint that the day was getting nicer and nicer. Wending our way up Charity (3* Severe) was a great learning tool for James - and a lot of fun apart from the general muppetry.
Soon the day was over - but driving back past Llynnau Mymbyr I had sense enough to pull in and get a blip of this fantastic view. Not perhaps the Blip I'd intended - but lovely all the same, and incentive to go back for that sunrise, sunset or both.

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