Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Coconut Ice

Had a pretty productive day at work (Shocked? So am I...) and find I'm actually getting more done when my boss isn't there. She's started working part time so I've got quite a bit of autonomy now which is rather nice. :)

As I left work though I developed a serious case of rage. Noooo idea where it came from but I found myself stomping around the shops, getting mad at everyone and everything. In fact I must have been the same at the petrol station as I was filling up because I slammed my door so hard that pretty much everyone stared at me. Ooops.

Went home and made stir fry for me and A. He said it tasted okay so thats a winner in my book since I never ever cook. We sat afterwards and he said 'You cook! Remember that time you made that salmon!' and since that was when we first started going out quite a few months ago I made a mental postit to start cooking more. In my defence, he's a far better cook than I am and has a natural instinct for it so it makes sense he should do it.....right?

Had chocolate fondue for dessert which is where the coconut ice came from. Was from Thorntons and very good so I'd recommend it. :)

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