We're plagued by herring gulls and lesser black-backs around here, even where I live a couple of kilometres inland and uphill.
In fact my Bavarian guests were cursing them just yesterday on account of the noise they make in the morning.
They cursed my neighbours as well. Pruning a tree with a chainsaw at 8:30am on a Sunday. That's the way they are.
Back on topic, I spent all day either at my desk working or tidying up after the Bavarians left for the airport. So I went over to the harbour at West Wemyss after dinner to get a bit of air.
The wee black headed gull was prowling the muddy sludge in the harbour (low tide) looking for dinner, so it got blipped.
They're such a pleasure compared to their raucous, dirty, aggressive cousins.
(Ed note:- best in large)
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