Road Trippin'

Keeta and I were up early this morning, After we got showered and dressed, we headed over to pick Jade up. Popped in to Mc'y D's first to get some fuel for the day, A very unhealthy bagel and a coffee, keeta's back on the meat, I am very happy about this. The three of us then set off for "Samye Ling". We met a cow family walking in the middle of the road on the way there, which was a scary experience, Not a fan of bulls standing in the middle of the road starring me down. Had a nice little wander round, and had some lunch, always thinking of our bellies Next, to Grey Mares Tale.
Well here's the photographic proof we made it all the way to the top, :).
I dropped Keeta and Jade back home then headed home myself.
I was back out again at 6 to clear out the Guide cupboard with Alex, it's looking lovely now for when we are back after the summer holidays.
Home for dinner, and to blip.

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