Shhhhh, don't tell daddy

Even though I was asking Charlotte to get down, I couldn't quite resist taking this picture of her.

Day has not been too bad, took a long time to persuade William to have a sleep, did chores etc. watched Murray win his match, grandma arrived, collected Charlotte. She had spent the day nappy free with only one puddle just before lunchtime when she was sat at the table waiting! (Think she was too worried about not being able to sit by her BFF to think about the potty).


Charlotte did a wee at the top of the stairs then had the quickest shower ever. Got upset about everything and anything. William was very unsettled, settled him then had a major poo explosion to resolve. Charlotte bumped her head on the corner of her bed, major tears, cold pack required just to calm her down! William awake again, Charlotte meltdown that he wasn't in sleeping bag, William into sleeping bag, then monkey needed one. Monkey put to bed in our bed, meltdown when he wasn't in her bed!!!!

Saying all this, I was still downstairs by 8:10 so wasn't that bad......

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