Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


...The Sheep.

In a very local field.
So, I'm not exactly getting out very far, but at least it is out :-)

I'm enjoying all the clearing and cleaning at home (almost two years worth).
Most satisfying.

I thought I might find it easier to sleep without builder stress...
However, Builder Free Zone Excitement seems to be causing equal insomnia.
And then there's the heat.
I might have mentioned before that I don't grumble about being cold.
I just add another layer.
I've been known to walk around the house trailing a layer of cosy blankets in my wake, whilst also sporting a quite colourful woolly hat.
(Prevents all that heat loss from the head apparently?)...
But when it's hot.
I mean really HOT...
And one has already removed all of the items of clothing that decency permits, AND run one's wrists under a cold water tap (very genteel)... Am I painting a pretty picture here? ...
What can you do when wide awake at 2am?
Except hang out of the nearest window and huff??

Answers on a postcard??

You have to envy sheep their 'shearableness' really.

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