Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Softly Pink

We haven't had a pink nor an orange nor a red sky since we arrived here on Friday, June 13th. We've had lovely blue sundowns. So we enjoyed this immensely.

Yes, I could crop the photo to eliminate the wires; manicure the view, but quite frankly, we hardly notice the wires with our eyes. It is the eye of the camera that makes them look especially ugly, but to crop enough to lose the wires, also loses much of the sky and the ocean, so here it is without any fussing.

We managed to prepare dinner early this evening, about 5:00 we sat down to eat. Our dining table faces this ocean view. Well this evening the whale spouts decorated the ocean. Occasionally the sun would reflect brightly off of a wet shiny whale back or fin. It was quite a dinner performance -- we hadn't even purchased a ticket. A lovely surprise.

We sit here every evening until well after dark amazed at the beauty and wonder of it all (and it is not dark until almost 9:00 p.m.). So tonight -- here we are again.

Good night from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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