WHAT'S UP BALLARD ~ Li’l Woody’s - Burgers & Shake
6/23/2014 ~ WHAT'S UP BALLARD ~ Li’l Woody’s - Burgers & Shakes ~ NW Market St, Ballard Neighborhood, Seattle, WA
Another Monochrome for Monday!
Exterior of Li'l Woody's last week and returned for another quick burger & diet coke prior to the continuation of the summer reading workshop to read and discuss Cormac McCarthy's Novel 'Blood Meridian'. It was a bonus since I was running late and went right from work to the workshop and had just enough time to devour the "li'l Woody's" burger and still make it to the workshop on time. The second bonus was my pager did not go off during the workshop. Off call tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM until next September, Yahoo!
Another great day that just flew by! If you want to see the color version look here.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day!
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