Happy Daze

By Dazed


This is my Nanna, she's 90 next month. Still sharp as anything and regaling me with stories of her days working for the GPO, being strafed by a German fighter plane while on a golf course with my Grandad and having to hide in a bunker and how she still struggles with the Scottish accent despite having lived here for 17 years now.

I had a great family visit day, stopping in to see my brother on his seventeenth birthday (the reason why my Nanna moved here in the first place, and the reason why I feel particularly old today), having lunch with my Dad, Stepmum, sister and brother, stopping in with Nanna and then having a swift cup of tea with my Mum and Stepdad on the way home.

On the downside, when I did get home I had a call from a scammer. We've been having issues with our PC so I wasn't surprised to get a 'tech support' call, though he was rather insistent that I log onto our PC and try to sort it myself despite the fact that I had no idea what the real issue was - Mr Dazed being the real techno person in our house and me being happy with my laptop. When it got to the point that he was trying to get me to log on to a website for online support I told him to eff off. Now mr Dazed is home and we've googled the whole thing it turns out it's a big 'ole scam. What's worrying is how they had all our details in the first place.

Please ignore any calls/correspondence from the following:




Otherwise, have a smashing weekend! :0)

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