South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Only the top bit to go now!

I haven't done any of this for the last few days, but before that was making really good progress. I enjoy it so much too!

Had a good clean bill of health from the practice nurse this morning - what a lovely person, we got on so well. Definitely no sign at all of diabetes, my "bad" cholesterol levels have dropped from 6.9 to 6.5., so my more healthy pattern of eating is working, and she was pleased with my efforts to keep my weight down to a consistent level, and I had lost weight since the previous time I was weighed. Mind you, their scales made me 2lbs lighter, with clothes and shoes on, than my own do without them, so a bit confused about that!!

I've been feeling masses better today anyway and my husband keeps warning me not to overdo it too soon, but I said that's boring!

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