Jones Journal

By MeeshJ


It was Eddie's yearly check up and immunisations today, unfortunately they've found a faint heart murmur. His occasional cough which sounds like he's clearing his throat is a symptom and also the stiffness in his back legs we've noticed a couple of times. At the moment nothing will be done, when his cough is daily though he'll need to start heart medication. Apparently 80% of cavaliers have heart problems, a much higher percentage than I was aware of.

There's far too much going on in the Jones household at the moment, more hours at work, B's completed his D of E hike, work experience finalised and preliminary visit done, he's also up to his ears in exams this week, and not too pleased, my usual blip time in the evening seems to have been taken over by revision nagging! H has only a few weeks left at primary school now, and has suddenly turned into a stroppy teenager independent young lady, my patience has been stretched recently!

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