
I drove back from Hartlepool via the Gateshead office, where we were scheduled to be interviewing someone - unfortunately he was laid low by a bug yesterday evening so we had to reschedule. So I needn't have stayed overnight - but then I wouldn't have seen CJ. "How do you know, how do you know?" Anyway, I was able to leave early and get back to Leith betimes.

It's nice to see a brief traffic-free glimpse of what feels like home to me. There's Rabbie Burns on his plinth, approx in the middle, if you look large. And no, I hadn't walked all the way from Gateshead, this is just the view I get after returning the hire car (and avoiding the back streets with the attack gulls).

Nipped up to the station for yet more train tickets, then did lots more stuff before I pack up for a couple more nights in the deep south. Head still full of music, though, which is always a good sensation.

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