
By HF1

Not quite Monet!

Another productive day school work wise - although I did squeeze in some happy moments on the swing seat reading.
I wanted to get some exercise after such a sedentary day so I had a wander up the lane from the village. The air was heavily laden with wonderful smells - roses combined with mock orange and the lush grasses. i do love it and find it very evocative of growing up in Worcestershire. P and my sister who are suffering badly with hay- fever would not agree!
I saw this couple walking through this field of barley ( the same one that I blipped in January and although nothing like Monet's poppies the yellowy green barley and the light had its own beauty.
Wimbledon to look forward to as well - I never really become engrossed until the second week - although just the sounds from the tv of it symbolise Summer too.

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