Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

My blipfoto is of my daughter who is growing up so fast that it seems like only yesterday it was her first birthday.

I remember I was listening to James Blunt's 'She's Beautiful' the night of her first birthday and it just got to me, I cried my eyes out with joy as I watched her lay in her cot sleeping.

I have watched this little lady grow into a beautiful girl full of love and emotion that makes you laugh, cry, angry and then laugh again. Eight years later I still read her a story at bedtime, talk about things she has been doing during the day, things she is interested in or we just listen to music together.

When she falls asleep I always kiss her forehead and whisper "I love you my little girl."

My thought tonight... I will always whisper to my little girl a good night wherever I may be.

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