Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

The Bumble Bee

A lone bumble bee going from flower to flower...

Bunny Update: This afternoon, the bunny that was returned to it's owner last night appeared on the lawn across the street from me. When I walked over, it ran right up to me. I picked it up and he snuggled in my arms and I carried him home. He is resting comfortably right now and will stay INSIDE until I figure out what to do.

I think the owners of this rabbit do not realize that leaving him outside in 90 degree heat is probably not the best. To top it off, we have fox and coyote in the neighborhood and they would go after this cutie in a heartbeat. I may call the county and ask for advice on what to do here so that the rabbit can be handled appropriately (whether given back to the negligent owners or to another loving home).

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