A time for everything

By turnx3

Symphony concert

Another drab grey day today, so once again I did my exercise indoors - swimming at the "Y" - and didnt get around to getting a blip during the day, so you're stuck with a blip of this evening's fantastic symphony concert at Cincinnati Music Hall. The main piece on the program was one of my favorites, and one that isnt done very often - Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, with the May Festival Chorus and Cincinnati Children's Choir. The concert was a sell-out, which happens extremely rarely these days with a 3,400 seat auditorium - most concerts recently run at about 2/3 capacity I would estimate, often less. So I'll leave you to imagine the sound at the close of the concert when the audience rose en masse to give an enthusiastic standing ovation!

One year ago: Sunset!

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