
By lastlight

Urban jungle.

Helped out on two events today, on personal brand and understanding what that actually means to people.

Interesting exercise was to think of 3-5 brands that you buy into, that you respect and admire. What is it about those brands that makes you feel that way? Write down some words for each one. It's likely that those words are your own values.

One of mine was Honda for innovation, employee engagement, being a bit different to their peers and ethical stance (not perfect I know but they do a lot of research into alternative technologies). And that's what's important to me. I love thinking up solutions to problems in creative ways, getting people on board and evolved so they feel empowered in their role, maintaining my moral values and integrity - and all while being a bit different!
It's not easy in a corporate environment and I know it doesn't stand me in good stead with management as I won't just 'tow the line' but so what - job satisfaction and supporting those I work with are better rewards!

Rant over :)

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