
By DevonDumpling

'Some Like it Hot'

This gorgeous Red Rose has been flowering its head off for weeks and weeks..I had long forgotten its name, but a couple of days ago I was sorting out drawers and found an old garden journal from about fifteen or more years ago....I was very keen and used to make a note of every flower I planted. There was even a plan on one of the pages. I was happy to see that this Rose was included...I now remember that she is called 'Sympathie'' I wish I was as organised now!
A full day today!
A HOT Line dance class this morning....we had all the windows and doors open but it was still too hot! After class I went to visit a line dance friend who has broken her leg.....SYMPATHY. She has to sit with her leg elevated for 3 weeks! ........... I would go mad! We had a lovely long chat and her husband made us tea and scones!

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