Clark Tales

By cclark


Today was a profound day. It was a day which makes me happy to keep this journal because it should never be forgotten.

I could talk about the events which took place, I could talk about my emotions, I could talk about nothing. The problem is I just can't find the words to do justice to today. I will have a go...but I know it will never be good enough.

It all began with a teeny hangover, but Ffinch came over to pick me up for breakfast. We graced Louie Brown's with our presence. We had a really good's swell to have her back around. As full as we were we bought cake for later too...she knows how to eat that one.

It was time to go home for a nap before meeting Jay, Jonathan and the Welsh boys (Jonathan's friends) for the train to head over to Pride. It did turn into a bit of shopping trip at first but we did eventually make it down to Habana's for drinks. It was a decent laugh but I had a very special night in store which led me to leave in the early evening.

Home for a change and to await the confirmation that LB had arrived in Crossford after her epic drive up from Cornwall where she has spent the week visiting family with her Dad (sadly not for the happiest of reasons). Nonetheless we were both ecstatic that we could be together. We ate the cake from earlier...classy dinner, but needs must.

We decided to go out in Dunfermline for a few pints, LB needed them for sure. We landed in The Commercial, which turned out to be an excellent choice. We both drank 'Brazilian' themed ales (I'm sure there's a pun in there somewhere). It was nice to chat, catch-up and feel relaxed with her in my hometown.

When we moved on I decided to take her for a walk around the 'cultural quarter' first, so we walked round past the Abbot House and the Abbey etc, before ending the night with an ale in the de BRus Brewery.

Then it was time for chips and a taxi back to room 101. It wasn't what I imagined in my head or the time but sometimes it just creeps up on you and if there's anything I believe in it's following your heart and being honest. 831 comes easily with her. Apparently with me too...

Who knew room 101 would be the place - the irony makes me giggle, I have dispelled the myth George Orwell!

831 LB.

C x

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