@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Ippy Dippy.

Couldn't decide which photo to blip this morning.

I was a bit early starting the bus (06:40) so I climbed the dunes over the road first. There I was tempted to follow yesterday's theme of dots on the horizon but the dot was a bit more of a splodge. Just about to slide behind Stronsay, looking more like an Napoleonic fort, drifted the Arcadia on it's way into Kirkwall.

Having had to run back indoors to grab the camera, I was concerned that I was now going to be late. I wasn't, so on the Lower Road near Geramont, I stopped and wound down a window to snap this cute dude. No competition.

When I got home just before eight, I went back up onto the dunes. Dammit! If there isn't another beached bird on the beach. It looks like yet another gannet, only an immature bird this time. Took a couple of shots, mainly just so I could wing one off to the local ranger to see if there's anything that can be done for it. I'm not gonna put up any more bird pictures from here. It never ends well.

If in doubt, go for the gorgeous pussy-cat picture. That's my current mantra.

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