Random Sydney Building.......

So after a nice lie in this morning & a good breakie complete with home made tatty scones ( they are so easy to make !!!) we headed into the city.

Went to my new favorite book shop Kinokuniya....they started in Japan & sell a mixture of Japanese & English books, the shop is huge & has a great selection of Graphic Novels. I was wanting to get the 2nd volume of Y: The last man, the shop was having a 20% off all Graphic Novels( Nice surprise!!) so I picked up a couple more !!!

Anyways we then went to see The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.....the photographs were amazing but we were both kinda disappointed with the standard of the exhibition, alot of the frames were quiet badly marked and damaged.....a bit shoddy !!! Oh well it has traveled a fair distance I suppose.

After that we went for a wander up Oxford Street so Andrea could get a dress for Chris & Maja's wedding which is in a couple of weeks......we then walked back down towards Central Station, passed this old building, I love these kinds of wedge shaped buildings !!!

It was a bit of a grey old day today but still quite humid......Potato & Chick pea curry for dinner tonight.....I may have to crack open another one of those Little Creatures beers to celebrate!!!

Oh yeah & Thank You to Andrea for gifting me a Full Membership for Blip.....guess I'll have to keep Blipping then......Nothing like a bit of blackmail to spur on creativity !!!

Oh yeah & I made yesterdays panorama big now so it can be viewed properly!!!

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