George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Miss Mischief

I got up to quite a lot of it today - mischief that is. Ernie came today, and we had lots and lots of play.

I think SHE and HE are getting a little bit worried because Ernie is so rough. He's a very strong little dog and I'm not. He barrels into me at high speed, and sometimes I can't help but whimper just a little bit.

But then - when I get the chance I grab his cheek with my sharp little teeth and pull - hard!

I guess you could say I give as good as I get, most of the time.

Right now I'm ever so slightly tired.

Hey guess what! SHE didn't get up until a quarter past seven this morning (that's really late for HER) and I didn't do anything I shouldn't. Mind you, I was busting when I did get outside, and I had to squat for quite a time. Phew!!!

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