Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Soul time

Soft, soft my gentle friend, for here is stillness and silence, let us not with our jagged souls disturb the resting world. When water and air compose themselves to be such paragons of tranquility, why should we break such a spell?! In picturesque frame the world about me lends itself to fragrance and beauty, wild roses cast about such sweet scent that beguiles the very air.
Put aside the sound of rushing humans with cars growling and grunting, bring to the fore the sound of birds and the delicate fluttering of butterflies. The hum of bees vibrate in the flowers and shrubs nearby, a busy chorus that seems to be joyful rather than discordant. Nature proceeding in its gentle rolling cycle, the hub of life in balance.

The sun shines bright and I close my eyes, the song of the world flowing over me. Peace....

A busy day ahead and these moments of mine sustain me through the day...I cannot imagine not having is worth the price of getting up so early!

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