This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

Four Hundy

There are so many things to say.

This is essentially my first Blip of the year that has been taken, written, and posted on the same day. Sure I just backblipped a whole month and a half, missing the period between Xmas and New Years somewhere in the dpeths of my laptop but there is sometime about posting daily that I really miss, I used to take photos throughout the day, get home and post before bed and would find myself reflecting on my day and thinking about things. These days I snap five shots if I'm lucky and do a mass upload at the end of the week or whenever I happen to find time, and often by the time that time comes I can't tell you anything about that day except for the fact that unless it was Sunday then I was at work. It makes me sad.

But here's to a new year, I'm off to Wellington in a grand total of 25 days to start a new adventure, study something I love, in a city I love and make friends I'll come to love. It's time for a change and I believe this will help me grow as a person.

Bring on the exciting experiences, new people, new places, many alcoholic beverages, communal living, all nighters, packet food, student life and most importantly some kick arse photos

Thank yous go to Joe, for this community that never fails to impress, to my family who put up with me always, to my friends who are my rocks and everyone for their support, let us continue to make this site amazing.

Love A


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