Our shed - again

Thank you for your kind comments on yesterday's blip!

After yesterday's blustery weather, today was a little more pedestrian.

Cousteau and I took a walk after I did a spot of cleaning and washing, etc. We went down to the shed for a look-see. We saw a dead sheep (apparently she died after giving birth) and a teeny weeny lamb (no relation of the dead sheep) who was looking for its mum. She was baaaaing at it from a distant field. The farm manager assured me she'd help them to be reunited. We just noticed that little lambykins is just to the right of the shed in the tussock. You've got to know where you're looking to see it though.

I was offered the opportunity of a job, but looking at the map, it's just too far away to be viable. Sadly. Would have been a good'un.

Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Off to pick up Miss AB from school and then I cooked dinner for the tribe. A bit of piano playing and general messing around and then home. Mr Barking is outside, cleaning the poor vacuum cleaner. The farmhouse has some rather fetching red shagpile carpet in the lounge and it gets into everything. It's clogged the vacuum almost beyond repair (I think). Mr B doesn't agree!

Off to bed soon. Apparently I'm having a surprise outing tomorrow night. Cousteau is having a sleepover at his grandfolks'. I know no more than that! Fun times.

Night all.

~Mr & Mrs Barking~

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