Tall Poppy Syndrome ...
... very popular in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand apparently. Are we all begrudgers as the Irish Independent would have us believe? Anyway, this rather charming tall poppy has seeded itself in the polytunnel and managed to out do the peas and the sweet peas for its moment of glory. I'm not cutting it down.
I had a very sociable morning trying to get to Durrus. I kept on meeting people I hadn't seen for ages and was invited in for coffees and chat and admiration of extensions and basements. I also met a very itneresting man from Galway who makes harps. This afternoon I have been mostly pulling bracken - it's a jungle out there, you can't even walk round the Fairy Walk! I've also had a wonderful swim - it's muggy and grey but the water was delicious.
The button has been pushed, the deed is done and vast quantities of book will be arriving next week - eek!
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