Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968


This morning I came out of bed. The weather forcast yesterday was not to good. So I opened the curtains and saw fog all around. But luckely the thaw and rain are making sure that today most of the snow will melt. Finally! So I went outside to take a smoke ( yeah I know, bad for my health) and saw a couple of bushes "peeping" through the snow. Their berries still red. To bad I don't have a macro lens yet. I had to do like this. Next month is my birthday...I think I will ask for money this year, put it together en try to get me a macro lens at last. Any tips for my Canon EOS 1000D ??? by the way: as of today I upgraded to full member. So I spent my afternoon picking pictures from the past and put them in my journal also. Hope you enjoy.

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