
By 6inthecity

There's a storm a brewing

Taken from my back door, filter applied. It's the only place I can manage to shuffle too and keep the coughing to a minimum. Hopefully get test results back tomorrow or Friday, don't know why I'm excited as there isn't actually anything that can be done. I have to ride out the storm so to speak.

At least I finish my antibiotics tomorrow night which means that I will no longer be infectious. Docs have said the cough could last up to 100 days?!?! I'm hoping for a lot less than that.

Whooping cough doesn't make me whoop! It's more of a whistle and a hiss. My jaw feels like it's dislocated from the severity and harshness of the cough and I have no throat left.

On the upside my nephew face timed me from Cyprus where he is stationed with the army. He receives his first medal tomorrow. We are very proud. I need to be well as we are going over there in 6 weeks.

Lord I need a holiday :-)

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