The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Bumper crop

I picked so many raspberries yesterday from our garden that Steve asked if I'd gone and bought some! Today I picked even more.

Later, after supper, I pureed and strained them, and made a syrup. This is now chilling, and will later be mixed with fromage frais, then churned and frozen to make a 'sherbet'. Usually I eat raspberries straight off the plant, but there are gazillions this year! And it is great to get out the "ices" book and look at all the recipes that once looked too bizarre or difficult for me, that now look within reach.

Beautiful day! I sat outside to eat my breakfast, and read some of my novel, The Laws of Harmony of Harmony" then went off to work. My most amazing volunteer, D, left today, and I managed to organise a tiny school ceremony to thank her. I will miss her a great deal, as will the children. She has been with us for two school years! Puppet shows will be a lot harder without her. She gave me a card that said the nicest things about me and the play sessions! I walked home via Iceland to buy some choc ices, and then sat on the back step reading my book again.

Stroud College sent me a form to fill in re, a course I am planning to do. It made me despair, as they have to assume that every person who applies might need quite a bit of help with catching up on education, and basic study skills. That's not the case, for me. It makes me think about the time/travel logistics of attending other colleges.

Applying to go to a University, if it didn't cost gazillions, might be a lot more satisfying....

Later, I made face creams for clients. My massage patient never showed up. No explanation. Grrrrr. I made supper instead, while wrapping the face creams for mail order. We dined on Roasted new potatoes, asparagus and halloumi. Yum-meeee!

I tidied up all the mail order and massage couch and supper mess, then started on the raspberry sherbet, and putting the bins out . Somehow, I still haven't spent enough time reading my novel. It's all I want to do right now, besides sitting in the sun.

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