Stepping .....

..... stones.

Another long day at work on my own for me but I now have my weekend to look forward to. After work this evening Myself, Mr M, Mr P and Ali had a pootle out to Bolton Abbey on the bikes. It was a good ride and we stopped by the river for 5 minutes in the Abbey grounds and watched people ( and dogs ) crossing the stepping stones whist being bitten by midges.

In other news I bought another box of cameras from the saleroom today, there was a 1913 Kodak vest pocket camera amongst them with an exposed film in it. I processed the film this evening but unfortunately there are no visible images on it ( not too surprising for a film that could be 100 years old.

Tonight we've had cake night at the P's house and it's now just gone midnight. This little dogs stone hopping skills impressed me, so today's blip is the .....

..... Stepping stones.

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