Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Purkle Flower

Purkle is what a neice of ours used to say for purple. It just came to me.
I have no idea what this pretty purple meadow flower is.
Checked on the cows and horses this afternoon. Someone broke the hot wire down and there were 3 cows in with the horses! They were easy to separate again and grampa and Gracie fixed the hot wire. There's nothing wrong with them being together, but we didn't want them separated from the rest of the herd. Eventually they will all be together in a great big field.

Is it just me...or does the phrase 'getting your affairs in order' sound like it should be more fun than what it actually is? Maxine

Edit: Well I couldn't locate my wildflower book, so I looked this up on line. It's called Elegant Clust Lily (Brodiaea).

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